Thursday, May 13, 2010

Christians only: How does a parent become a good christian model for children and teenagers?

What are some of the essential steps to introducing the message of ';faith and salvation'; to children and teenagers?

What are steps to avoid?

Honest thought out answers welcome on these questions on presenting faith..Christians only: How does a parent become a good christian model for children and teenagers?
Any kind of appreciation of the Lord by our kids and any kind of love that they develop for Him will come directly from how we love and appreciate the Lord in our living before our children's eyes.

If our kids see us reading the word and praying and learning how to turn to the Lord in all kinds of situation.. In the simple things like when someone calls at the house and you tell your child to say that you are not there or when you are teaches them dishonesty. May the Lord have mercy on us.

I have found that over the years its really crucial to help to shape our kids into vessels that would one day contain the Lord as this priceless treasure. This comes by taking care of thier humanity. Teaching and modeling as a pattern the valued characteristics of Honesty, Hard word, Forgiveness, Patience, Gentleness, all the rich virtues of the HOly Spirit. Teaching them respect for authority and to be a diligent student at school. Keep a clean room and helping around the home. Being thankful and appreciative of what you have. Learning how to give to others and reach out to others in need. Being sensitive to the strengths and weaknesses of others. All these work together to shape our kids into an earthen vessel that, when they each receive the Lord as their savior and Lord He will be contained in an abiding way in them. There is a difference between a plate and a deep jug. Both are vessels.. but one has been shaped with a certain capacity to hold a substance more than another.

If we are careful and prayerful before the Lord to care for our kids in this way.. the Lord will not easily be given up by these ones. All His Divine attributes will expressed through well cultivated and well shaped human virtues.

We cannot think that we can be slopply in raising our kids. The idea of '; don't say as i do but do as i say'; .. or'; don't do what i do.. do as i say'; does not work.

May our God be the Eternal Father to us.. teaching us day by day how to wait before Him regarding these children who are His Heritage. They are all lent to us by the Lord to be offered and given back to Him for His glory.

Learning also how to step back before reacting with these ones who we are so used to. Its important to see that our children are treasured by the Lord and as such we need both hands.. One to love and one to discipline in order for them to grow up to be fine human beings and deep abiding vessels for God to dwell in one day.

May the Lord grant us much mercy in this way. May we look to Him daily to carry out this divine Stewarship of Parenthood before His face and by His strenght wisdom and grace.

Your sister

sandyChristians only: How does a parent become a good christian model for children and teenagers?
I think the most important thing to remember is like James wrote to be doers of the Bible and not hearers only. If you claim to be a a Christian. Let your children see a Godly example. Start teaching them the ways of the LORD and Jesus Christ early in their life and continue on until they are married and left home. Have daily prayer and Bible study at home. Enforce Christian vaules in the family. Do not conform or compromise with the world. Don't give in to kids temper tantrums and whinning when they don't get their way. The #1 myth in raising a teenager is that you can't keep them from getting involved in the bad things out there. Don't adopt the attitude that ';kids will make their own mistakes';.
Show the way by example. Preach and yell and you'll turn them away. Weak and ineffective and you'll be the object of ridicule. Being emotional and upset with difficulties will cast doubt on your faith. You need to show them that what's right in all situations is what is worth striving for, and all other things will fall into place. Use shortcomings to address the need for humility and strength that comes from something greater. Use good things and blessings to express gratitude for these gifts. Always be prepared to give up material gain for principle. Seek a personal stillness, peace and strength that radiates out into the home, and you will be spreading the Gospel. Be true to God and yourself above all things first.
Be the example!!!!

If you are the example and not the pusher, they will follow.

Jesus NEVER pushed, He lived the word and the truth, and they followed!

be the example
Don't push it on them. My dad does that and it just pushes my siblings and I away. We don't want to be around him anymore.
one key thing for teenagers: don't preach. if you do it will feel like you're shoving it down their throats and then they'll just turn away. trust me i am one.
The best example that a parent will set for their children will be found in the parents ';attitude'; towards every day life.To teach the child dedication and respect for God and man kind.This includes all areas both inside and outside of the Church.In my own words,the'; key';is to teach Discipline,humility, respect, faithfulness,and love,avoiding anything that would be displeasing to God.*God Bless*
I feel discriminated against... Since when are christians the only people who are good in this world?

If you force christianity down your teen's throat, they will most likely rebel...
I feel that Jesus deal with me always with Love.Even when I fail Him...he brings me to my knees with the words I love are hurting me right now,but I'm still your Father and I love you.So I teach my kids that our home will always be filled with love and laughter.I treat them with the greatest respect and that causes them to do the same to me.I'm not scared to apologize to my children.All of these things makes them respect me and strive to be greater people.I try to set a good example,but also let them know I'm not perfect.We listen to christian music together(try some they can relate to and really get involved with it...Mercy Me is great...research...I could give a long list)but also let them have their own stuff...don't be too rigid...tell them you count on them to make the right decisions.Kids can surprise you.When you see them making good choices rewards them and and show them how proud you are! Pray with them at night and ask if they have anyone they need to pray for or what's on their mind.This has become a special time for my kids when I get to learn all about their day and everything in their life...then we pray.And remember teach them they can pray to Him anyway they want...He's their Father...and He truly understands...for you too...ask Him...He'll help and guide you! Good Luck...I'll pray for you!
Always be 'honest' before them,letting them see your struggles of faith as well as your 'God given victories. This will show them that it is all about a growing relationship with God through Jesus 'via' the Holy Spirit. As you share the examples of His Word from the old and new testaments about God's 'interaction' with His creation, you will build a foundation of truth within them. God's word does not return void.

Look for examples of God's beautiful creation to publicly acknowledge His goodness. Direct them to 'notice' for themselves the amazingness of His handiwork. As you establish a sense of 'awe' towards God in them at an early age, when their hearts are tender and open, they won't get caught up in the 'religious tornados'. later. Be sure to seek God's heart, face, and kingdom for yourself, the reality of your own revealed experiences with God will encourage and inspire them to believe in what they have witnessed in your life, which by the way, is an open book before them.

Trust God through the teenage years!!! And PRAY!, PRAY!, PRAY! Don't be discouraged, if they stray a bit! Especially, don't judge yourself for their choices during this season in their lives. Loving God is a choice. Try not to let the expectations of others or the fear of their judgements reguarding your 'parenting skills' get to you. They are not in your shoes. Remember, it was and always will be the grace and kindness of God that draws 'the lost' to repentance.

Faith is believing that God exists, (the real evidence of that, they will see, is His loving character abiding within you!) As you 'live in real relationship' with God before them, you won't have to 'preach' to them about it. I would most definately avoid serving them any form of 'religion'. It could stunt their growth of simple faith. A tip I might offer you, is to present them with other forms of indirect messages of God. Through the 'christian media', inspirational cartoons, movies, books, music, etc. This will help support your position of faith before them, by having a 'network' of other Godly influences, aside from just the Bible. One thing I have done throughout the lives of my children is to share true stories of God's 'miracles' with them, anytime I heard, or read of one, or experienced it for myself. This will stir up a hunger within them to know God that way for themselves. Most of all, enjoy them for the blessed Gifts of God that they are, every day, and every stage of their lives!
Walk the talk.

Don't give kids today the ';do as I say not as I do'; speech.

They are way too smart.

Put no conditions on the love you give them.

Above all be honest.

My mom was always honest with us kids, and today our respect for her is immense as is our love.
I have had to think about this a lot. Being a parent and only recently coming to Christ, I often wonder how I can give good Christian morals to my children. I think it is important to set aside at least one night a week to do some bible study, just reading one chapter together with your children and talking about it can be good.
Chrisitans only? What are you some Star Bellied Sneetch?
I believe that the number one elements are honesty and respect. Kids don't want to know what you think unless they know you are sincere and opened.

The most positive way that I have found to reach teens is to live your life before them in a way that is consistent and genuine.

Allow them to lead the conversation. If they are seeking, they will ask the right questions. If they are not seeking, your directions will fall on deaf ears.

ALSO....make sure they know you love them just the way they are. People should always know that regardless of their actions, they are still of value.

Teens are AWESOME. They just need someone to listen to them, and give them gentle direction.
I sent my son to a Christian pre-school. He is only five years old and he knows all about Mary (that is Jesus' mommy)

And God is Jesus' daddy. He knows about Noah's ark and the animals.

And the most important thing, he knows Jesus was a loving and caring man that helped others in their time of need.
don't preach to the kids. Tell them not to do drugs, let them explore, like you all did when they were babies. If they get hurt they will learn not to go back there again, for example if a baby falls off the crib, (parents don't lie, 96% of babies fall out of something like a crib before the age of 9 months. 98% tend to get into trouble and get themselves hurt.) If they get hurt, they know in order for that not to happen again, they dont come back to that same place.So if teen are in an area where other kids do drugs and kill people, and they happen to get shot, they will know if they dont wanna get shot again, they dont come back to that sanme area again.
get on their level. I'm 18 and my pastor is upbeat and makes jokes when he's preaching. we can also wear pant's to church. If a bunch of older people are pushing their older ways(not all are bad) then it's a big turn off. Small children love videos, projects, songs, skits, and they like it(as well as teens) when you can relate it to everyday life.
God in the OT liked blood offerings...he found them ';pleasing';...and in the NT he needed the blood of Christ to wash away sins.....maybe an old fashion family blood offering would be a great way to show the kids back to god!!
Make them hate you. Remember that if they go to Jesus and hate not their own mother and father, they can not be his disciple.

Luke 14:26

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

I love it when I get thumbs-down from Christians for accurately quoting their own Bible.
Be like god. Create and provide, and punish those against him.

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