Thursday, January 21, 2010

When is the right time for a parent to allow his or her child a text enabled phone?

Also, how many under 18 yr olds pay their own bill?When is the right time for a parent to allow his or her child a text enabled phone?
I wouldn't let my child have a text-enabled phone, and it's not just because of the potential problems with usage, preoccupation and cost. It's the loss of verbal and written skills -- I only know from English, but I'm sure it's not limited to one language. Unfortunately, the language skills of the majority of our children these days aren't even half-baked by the time they get to college, IF they go to college -- look at the Internet and see how many times people cannot even distinguish between ';your'; and ';you're.'; That's not a ';gotcha,'; it's an example of not truly understanding what is being said. This isn't a matter for uptight school marms with poles inserted in dark places -- its the preservation of a language and a standard of intelligence and civility which separates enlightened ages from dark ages. The abbreviations used in texting are not harmless little trifles -- they might be if they were being used by people who already mastered their skills.If you wouldn't put a Little Leaguer onto a Major League team, then don't give a child something that is a variation on a theme before the child has mastered the theme. If you don't believe me, look at how so many of the answers here are written -- and we're not texting.When is the right time for a parent to allow his or her child a text enabled phone?
Do you trust them? Are they mature? If you have met their friends, are they good kids? If you can confidently say yes to these questions, then you should have no problem letting your kid text. But you are right to ask and be careful becaust if you watch Tyra, there was an episode on the other day and it had about 5 girls that their parents trusted with texting, and apparently they had been texting naked pics of themselves to their guy friends! So definately only give it to them if you absolutely know for sure that they can handle it maturely.

And usually, kids under 18 have to pay their own bill (or at least part of it) if they either have a job, or the bill gets out of hand and is really expensive--then parents usually make them pay most of it.
There is no magic number my friend.

Some kids are mature enough to handle a cell phone with text at 10... Others may NEVER be mature enough to deal with focusing on real life AND be able to text.

It is a determination that needs to be made on a child by child basis.

I know one 17 year old that has been paying for his own phone plan for going on 2 years now... But he has a job and is responsible...

I have also known people that are so obsessed by their phones that they can text by touch and do it under the table even in business meetings...

If I were you and this were my child, I would say that 14 would be a good age to start them on a phone but at 16, they have to pay their own bill.

I just researched phone plans for my new employee and discovered Cricket Mobile.

They have very good, very cheep plans.

Either that or put them on a pre-pay phone so that if they over use it, the phone stops working... that is one way to keep the $$ under control.
My daughter got one for her 13th birthday. We pay, but she gets a reduced allowance - $15 a month.

She knows she cannot text at school, and we have not had problems there. We have had to admonish her about responding to a text while we are talking to her, but she's a good kid, and she now practices 'phone etiquette' pretty well.
no american kid under 18 pays for their own ANYTHING

you should know your kid better than any of us, so you will be able to tell if they are responsible enough for a cell phone

rule of thumb:

if they walk to or from school, they need a cell phone

if they hang out with friends after school or bythemselves, they need a cell phone

if they don't have a cell phone by the 8th grade, you should get them one
totally up to you, but i think going on a pay as you go plan would teach them how to budget and handle money...

also, a mobile phone is great for your kids if they ever need you, no more trying to find money to use the payphone. if they need you, you're there... its 2009, who doesnt have a mobile phone..? i had one when i was 15, it was pay as you go, and i cud only put money on when i had pocket money, it just meant i had some independance in choosing whether or not i bought sum choclate or had credit! first thing to being a man! lol! maturity and safety comes into it. id rather be safe at hand knowing my kids cud reach me regardless of where they were, thats the most importna thing in this sick world... good luk with your decision
when they pay for their own phone.My brother learned the hard way when his 2 kids text over $800.00
18 yrs old.
  • stella mccartney
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