Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is it appropriate to say you are a parent in an interview if it will keep you from looking lazy?

So I graduated from college about a year and a half ago and while in school I had a baby. After I graduated I dedicated myself to my child and now that he's two I'm ready to go into the workforce. The problem is I have been going to interviews and when asked what have I been doing for the last two years I'm left with a dilemna. Should I say I had a child and have been dedicating myself to him? I know it's not appropriate to talk about parenthood in an interview, but not working for a couple years makes me look lazy and questions my work ethic. Any interviewers out there that can give me advice. Thanks!Is it appropriate to say you are a parent in an interview if it will keep you from looking lazy?
Of course you should! If you've got a child it isn't going to be a secret from work! It's appropriate to say so whether it keeps you from looking lazy or not - it's an explanation of your past two years, not an excuse for them. No, it's not appropriate to talk about it as work experience - of course not, it isn't relevant to the job. But all you need to do, hun, is say ONCE that you're getting back to work after a child. That's it, nuff said - they'll understand that you've been at home with the baby?! Even if they haven't got kids themselves (and some of them definitely will) or know anyone who has, they know that if you're at home with a baby you're not going to be working.

There is no dilemma, hun. Say you had a baby. And DON'T sound apologetic about it!!!Is it appropriate to say you are a parent in an interview if it will keep you from looking lazy?
Of course you need to explain your absence in the workforce! Just explain that you stayed home to raise your child. People do understand.
not only will telling them that, will you seem not lazy, but you're responsible, you have management skills, you're a multi tasker, and the list goes on...

parenting indeed is a job all on its own.
Yes, definitely tell them about your child--and proudly!
No, do not tell them that you had a child and have been staying home to care for him. Tell them that you took some time off to help your family or that you were volunteering for a while or that you were just working on your own projects.

Telling them that you had a child and stayed home to care for them is not going to endear you to a potential employer. It sucks and it's sexism at its worst but they will not see you working hard to raise your child. They will see you as someone who will have to take more time off from work whenever the child is sick or possibly leave for an extended period of time if you happen to become pregnant again.

I don't even wear my wedding ring to interviews. Be careful.

Best of luck!


Just tell the truth, that u have a two year old and you have been home raising the child. This will make you look even

more responsible cause raising a child is a lot harder than a job or an interview. Think positive and i hope you have a good

babysitter to watch your 2 yr. old.
Continue to be honest you'll find something. And it will be right for you and your child when you do.

Best of Luck.
Don't feel ashamed of it. You could talk about what skills you have learned by being a stay at home mom like patience, also remember a stay at home mom works the equivalence of two full time jobs.
if you are married, say, we started a family, no biggie. if not, don't mention it. Grown ups have a hard time with kids that are having babies with no fathers and they won't hire irresponsible people. say you traveled or were remodeling your house.

I'd say you missed the point(next answerer down) If you say, I have a two yr old, the next question may be, what does your husband do? That's not illegal once you put it out there. What will you say? If you lie, then eventually they will know, if you are hired. If you tell the truth, you are very likely not going to get the job. This is not about being PC, it's about getting a job. think outside the box of your head!
LAZY? Is that what motherhood is to you? Have you been a ';lazy'; mother? I bet not! I've been a stay at home mom myself for the past 2 years, and I am also considering going back into the workforce. Granted, life as a Mom it gets monotonous, but we are the hardest working people there are. We devote our entire beings to our babies. We sacrificed ourselves to our children. It's a 24/7 ';job';. Anyone who can't respect that doesn't deserve your time. Good luck to you, and NEVER let anyone tell you that you are lazy!!!.
A lot of women are discriminated against because they are mothers. Some employers believe that a mother, especially one of younger children, will miss more work and won't be as reliable as a woman that doesn't have any children. It's not right, but we live in the real world, not the right world. In an interview/application if you ever are asked if you have children, the answer is NO.
I'm not an interviewer but a stay at home(for the moment) mother.

I think being a stay at home parent is enough of a job in itself. And I dont think it makes you lazy either (most people who arent parents dont realise what it involves.)

Just be confident and tell them you were spending invaluable time with your child. Having that time out of work or study may actually make you a better worker, because you will be looking foward to it more.

Good luck!
Being a stay at home mom is most definitley a full time job, and yes. When they ask about the gap, you can simply say something like ';While I was in college, my son was born, once I graduated I wanted to take some time for him, and am now ready to re-enter the work force';
I can't believe people would actually not tell a prospective employer about a child or would take off their wedding rings for an interview. Do interviewers not get married and have families? If you got the job it would mean you could not mention either the child or your husband to anyone and if anyone found out instead of discrimination laws being on your side it could be that your employer feels you have not been honest and uses that as a reason to dismiss you. Parenting skills are up there with the best of them and even being happily married!! Be proud, open and honest. As an interviewer I would worry if I discovered someone had deliberately hidden this sort of information.
yes you should tell them what else are you going to say that would make any sense. don't get into detail or they will think you are obsessed with your child(aren't we all though) and will want to miss work for every little thing. you may want to say i had a baby 2 years ago and after i finished school i decide to stay home with him for awhile. that will make a point that you had the baby while in school and still managed to graduate. so you wont be distracted at work.
I guess it's appropriate to say that but if it's an interview for a job that you really want, I recommend you don't because sometimes the interviewer can see if you're starting to doze off or slack off. If the interviewer asks you a type of question that involves with parenting or some sort then that's when I think it's very appropriate.

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