Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is dysfunctional food and lifestyle(not including drugs) abuse? How can a parent help their grown 30+ yr

old child overcome this and beat cancer?What is dysfunctional food and lifestyle(not including drugs) abuse? How can a parent help their grown 30+ yr
I'm sorry your daughter has cancer; I can only imagine your pain.

But while a healthy diet is always important, there is no actual evidence that any particular foods either cause or prevent cancer.

I had been a vegetarian for 26 years and then a vegan for 8 or 9 years, always eating organic where possible with plenty of fruit and veg when I was diagnosed with grade 3 cancer. Cancer doesn't discriminate.

Again, I'm so sorry about your daughter; but please don't make her feel she is responsible for her own cancer. Having cancer is hard enough without guilt, and she isn't responsible.What is dysfunctional food and lifestyle(not including drugs) abuse? How can a parent help their grown 30+ yr
The short answer to this, is to love her, and let her live her own life. There is no rehab for this, and she isn't doing anything illegal. She is responsible for her own choices, even though you might not agree with them. Any more then she can tell you how to live your life. If she doesn't see the importance of a healthy lifestyle, then just enjoy the time you have with her.
If your daughter already has cancer then changes in diet will not cure her cancer. It is too bad that she does not realize that eating a healthy diet can make her feel better and help her tolerate the side effects of her treatments much easier than if she is eating a typical American fast food diet.

At this point in time you just need to support her. Cut up an apple or orange and eat pieces yourself while offering her a bite. No use harping now because she probably already feels guilty even if she does not admit it. Treasure your time together and hope that the light bulb comes on that life is more than another cheeseburger and fries. Do make sure that she follows her oncologist's instructions about eating properly. good luck

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