Thursday, May 13, 2010

How can a parent who shows favoritism toward one child scold the other for jealousy or resentment ?

they cant to be honest i have four kids and show no favoritism at all. I dont see how you can love one of you kids more than the other. two of my kids are step children and i love them the same as if they came from me. kids are the greatest joy in life maybe they should think about that and how they are sucking the other kids joy from them. This is so awful. i wish i could take that kid myself they dont deserve the child. they are bad parents!!!!How can a parent who shows favoritism toward one child scold the other for jealousy or resentment ?
In theory, they shouldn't be able to. Parental favoritism is a terrible thing. It causes nothing but grief for everyone in the family. But, in reality, if a parent does have a favorite, they are likely to resent any evidence of its negative results. When they scold the other child, it's the guilt speaking.How can a parent who shows favoritism toward one child scold the other for jealousy or resentment ?
no thats just mean. the parents already beign horrible in the first place so to tell the child who is being neglected and treat unfairley off will just be pure evil.

just thinking about the poor child who is jelous and resentful is making me feel sick/upset/wantin to cry for that child :(
Its hard to give all your children equal amounts of attention at times and yes its a form of favortisim. Do we mean it to happen god no. We do our best to include all kids on what ever we are doing no matter what we are doing. Some things the older kids can do, and somethings its gotta be the youngest kids turns. For those that claime they dont show favortisim.......... really look at your daily life at home with the kids and then answer this question. Im sure you will realize you do slip and show favortisim.
They have no right to, because they provoked the other child to jealousy and resentment.

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