It's not a failure! Being gay wouldn't make me love him or her any less!If you found out your child was gay, what would you do to help you cope with your failure as a parent?
I would only feel like a failure if my child turned out to be some freak obsessed with other peoples' sex lives.
A Georgia study showed that the more one ';disapproves'; of homosexuality, the more likely he is to get aroused at the sight of gay porn. This, even though all of the subjects referred to themselves as heterosexual. The men who weren't bothered by homosexuality, showed no arousal.
This is why smart women never go out with men who disparage gay men. To do so is to risk dating a repressed homosexual. And while there is nothing wrong with gay men, we don't want to date them.If you found out your child was gay, what would you do to help you cope with your failure as a parent?
I think going to group therapy would be a good thing for you. You can find a group fo parents with similar failure...parents who kids are on drugs, whose kids got pregnant and same-sex parents who biological kids turned out to be straight.(Imagine the embarrassment that is causing them)
On a more serious and less judgemental note (I hope), the sexual orientation of your children ais not your *fault* or even under your control.
Think of it this way, were your parents given a celebratory party because of their success in raising you straight? Have you ever heard of ANYONE crowing about what a great parent they because they have hetro kids?
If the parents of hetro kids are not widely celebrated for being successful based on orientation, why would parents of gay kids be seen has failures for have gay kids?
In a way, I wish there was one controllable cause of sexual orientation. If there were, there would never be another teen suicide because a gay/lesbian teenager was so utterly rejected and hated by the very people that are supposed to love and protect them. Why go on living if your own parents hate you?
You're only a failure as a parent if you then reject your child because s/he is gay.
If this is serious and not an attention-getting ploy, contact
EDIT: It's not that you need therapy for thinking that being gay is wrong, although you certainly need educating there.
You need it for thinking that a child's sexuality reflects badly on your parenting. (Unless of course you sexually abused him)
A gay person (or a straight one) doesn't need therapy for thinking homosexuality is fine, because all *reputable* psychotherapy experts, pediatricians and other medical providers have determined that it is a perfectly normal variation in human sexuality.
Excuse me?
Wow, that's a terrible thing to say.
Being gay is something you are born with, it has nothing to do with the way you were raised.
Maybe if you are intolorent of gays you shouldn't be a parent. Being a parent is about loveing your child and accepting them as they were born.
I don't think you need therapy parsay but I do think you need to know what homosexualy actually is. IT has nothing to do with you as a parent. Sorry but you don't deserve THAT much credit for a kid.
How come being straight is okay and being homosexual is wrong? I mean you say that why would you need therapy for thinking it's wrong but they don't need it for thinking it's right. Well what's the difference? They are both sexual orientations, animals even have them. It's all apart of nature and the way people are made. Youjust need to get that through your head.
So long as my child told me in person I wouldn't have failed as a parent; I'd have succeeded. The ultimate hope for all parents is that your children grow to become happy and fulfilled, I'm not sure you can do that if you are unable to accept your sexual preferrences and the fact my child would feel comfortable in telling me is matters to me as a parent.
Ok... so I have a child who is gay, I follow... but you left out the part where I was a failure as a parent. Did the kid kill somebody? Drink and drive? Knock somebody up? Oh right... gay... didn't knock anybody up.
Nope... still missing it.
I mean, if you are in the closet and so ashamed... I mean, see a therapist. Let it go... something. Officially the 21st century. It's ok to be gay. Like, they are even on broadcast TV and everything.
how are you a failure of a parent because your child is gay? that probably one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard .but if you do feel this way i'm going to suggest you get counseling you can't give your child the support and love they need harboring those kind of feeling.contacting the F.L.A.G.organization is a good place to start.good luck to you both
I do not call it parental failure. I'll have to assess the condition that made him what s/he is. We can sit down and see how that can be resolved. You know like talking about the scripture and why homosexuality is not permitted. if homosexual behavior is something natural, there should be procreation. it is simple lust. we try to solve the social ailment that caused all the issue. if it did not work out, I'll let my child practice what makes him happy. what can you do?
Wow! How would the parent have failed it wasnt a test?...If anything I feel sorry for the child that is gay because they have to live with biggots. I could care less if my kids turned out gay the only reason why it would hurt me, is to know that they wont be giving me grandkids.
I'd beat that child till he was straight. LOL i'm just kidding I would have to accept it despite my disappointment. And i'd tell my child ';i don't agree with what you are doing but i still love you'; It's the only way you can deal with it (in a mature way)
I don't think someone fails as a parent if they're child is gay. I think someone fails as a parent if there child has murdered/raped/robbed somebody. You can't compare homosexuality to those other things.
I would do nothing. Having a child who is gay doesn't make you a failure. A parent who chooses to ignore their child and no longer communicate with them for being gay is a failure...they are failing to love and support their child.
For a start you are born gay and I wouldnt be bothered in the slightest. I would welcome their boyfriend or girlfriend and would have no problem with it. I just want them to be happy and not have to hide anything from me
Sweetie there is nothing about gaydom that has to do with failure.
One needs to celebrate what they did *right* to bring a gay person into the world.
You need some help, hun.
what are you saying here if you are parent of a gay kid that means you have failed.. what a stupid statement.. you should go read about more scientific data and look into the phobia you are having.. try to get some help..
I wouldn't consider myself a failure if my child turned out gay...that's awful! I'd only consider myself a failure if my child ended up a murderer or drug addict.
I would take a gay child any day over one who hates himself so much he has to post nonsensical rants about women, gays and feminism all day long.
Nothing. I wouldn't consider myself a failure for the choices of my children. Their success and failures are in their hands.
wow....if you can actually consider thinking that about your own child because of something they cant control...then you ARE a failure.
I would only feel like a failure as a (hypothetical) parent if my child turned into a drug addict.
I would not feel like a failure in any way. If my child was gay I would do the same thing I've always done love him and support him for who he is.
Is there is a punchline to this joke?
You usually ask good questions. Maybe this question is from a troll?
You need therapy for your unhealthy bigoted hatred of people different to yourself
Wow, you can't be serious.....
How does your child being gay make you a failure as a parent?
YOU are a failure as a human being.
Just ask your parents! They have first hand knowledge.
people are born gay, it is not the failure of the parents or child
Run to your mother for advice?
ask ur mum how she coped with it when she found out that ur fucked up in the head
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