Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is the Biggest Difference between You and Your Parent ?

except the generation gap..

you can pick either mom or dad or both.What is the Biggest Difference between You and Your Parent ?
Mom- She's religious, I'm not.

Dad- He's hard-working, I'm not.What is the Biggest Difference between You and Your Parent ?
bigest diffrence between me and my dad is.... height. weight and gender (we kinda have the same personalitys) and between me and my mom is personallity(but i look just like her) .
well as far as my dad, he was a huge drinker and not a very good father, i do not drink and am not a dad yet but i won't to be one day and i am determined to be a better one than him.
i wa gonna say they're old and i'm not but you said not to!

UMMM my mom can ignore people really well (she doesn't even hear me when i yell to her)
My mom is extremely religious and I'm a non-conformist.
the ability to look at an issue without prejudice and with clarity.
I am living and both my parents have passed on .
about 20 years of age for both and they are gone to heaven and I am here...
everyone loves them because they are so kind !
My parents are perfectionists. I'm not.
They are more 'wise'
I'm gay and they are not....
My mother is all touchy-feely and crap.

I most certainly am not
I weigh about a 100 pounds more than my puny little mother!
my mind is different from theirs

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